IDRP Blog 3

This is it. I’ve finally finished up and returned back to Australia and had some time to reflect and come to ultimate clarity of my experience. My internship with Plan International Indonesia did not come with a specific project or task that I was to complete within the month I spent with them, but moreContinue reading “IDRP Blog 3”

IDRP Blog 2

Here I am, half way through my placement with Plan International. I started this internship with wide eyes and, what I thought was a really good understanding of the differences in work culture and values in Asian countries, more specifically those dappling in poverty. My work in Borneo, rural Bangalore, and South Africa grounded meContinue reading “IDRP Blog 2”

IDRP Blog 1

This is my first blog for IDRP 1&2. I am currently in Yogyakarta, Indonesia with ACICIS about to commence the two weeks of intensive Indonesian language lessons with Sanata Dharma University. My placement happens to be in Jakarta, so I will be departing Yogyakarta following the intensive language lessons. I have been placed at PlanContinue reading “IDRP Blog 1”

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